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  4. AEFO reaches a tentative agreement for Franco-Ontarian teachers

AEFO reaches a tentative agreement for Franco-Ontarian teachers

OTTAWA, February 15, 2024 — After over a year and a half of negotiations, the Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), representing Ontario’s French-language elementary and secondary school teachers and occasional teachers, has reached a tentative agreement with the government and the Council of Trustee’s Associations for the renewal of Part A of the collective agreements of its members, which expired on August 31, 2022.

« AEFO would like to thank its members for their support during these lengthy negotiations. Their solidarity and collective strength have succeeded in demonstrating to the government and school boards that French-language education must be recognized, funded fairly, and that its specific needs be taken into consideration, without forgetting that it is essential to prioritize support and resources in the classroom to improve learning conditions for students. » said Anne Vinet-Roy, President of AEFO.

The details of the tentative agreement remain confidential until ratified by AEFO members. The date for the ratification vote will be announced as soon as it is confirmed.

As part of the agreement, but as a distinct matter, AEFO members will receive salary adjustments following the invalidation of Bill 124, for the 2019 – 2022 period. The February 9th ruling by arbitrator William Kaplan will be applicable to AEFO members who will receive a 0,75% increase for 2019-2020, a 0,75% increase for 2020-2021, and a 2,75% increase for 2021-2022. A neutral arbitrator will address the compensation for the 2022-2026 period.

Part B of the collective agreements will be negotiated locally by each unit. AEFO has pledged not to strike during its local negotiations to ensure stability for students and members, since we are only a few months away from the end of the school year.


AEFO has 12,000 members and represents French-language elementary and high school teachers in Ontario, from both Catholic and public school boards, and professional and support staff working in various French-language workplaces.

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Service des communications Marianne Raina
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  English follows   OTTAWA, le 27 mars 2024 – Les membres de l’Association des enseignantes et enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) ont ratifié à 93,5 % l’entente de principe conclue avec le gouvernement et le Conseil des associations d’employeurs (CAE) pour le renouvell.

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